Fiber-optic network construction

We offer a full range of services related to building telecommunication networks, especially using fiber-optic technology.

Fiber-optic networks

We design and make extended fiber-optic networks using the latest available technologies.

Teletechnical networks

We offer comprehensive service in terms of building advanced teletechnical networks.

Directional drilling

We conduct work related to directional drilling in almost every possible type of subsoil and distance.

Our technology
supports your business

Many years of experience allow us to offer comprehensive services, using the full range of possibilities that the fiber-optic technology offers.

Who are we?

Sub-Tel Sp. z o.o. is a family company. It officially began to operate in 2016, but its roots date back to 2012. We operate in the ICT and Telco industry with great success, implementing tasks both in Poland and abroad. We have many investments for the largest teleinformation operators in our achievements.


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